10 Cleaning Tricks That Will Save You a Lot of Time

10 Cleaning Tricks That Will Save You a Lot of Time
  1. Use white wine vinegar to clean
    White wine vinegar to clean your microwave
    The microwave is a secret weapon in the kitchen for many cooks, but like its larger counterpart, the oven, it’s not as easy to clean.

There’s also a steam-based solution to release the energy of the damaged oil. This time it involves vinegar! Make sure you have enough of the mixture for good results.

Get a microwave-safe plate
Mix water and white wine vinegar 1:1
Close the lid and let sit for five minutes
Check the progress, add more time if necessary
There may be a healthy shock, be careful when removing
Dry all surfaces with a towel. Again, it is important to note that the inside of the microwave oven can get hot.

  1. Sterilize dish sponges in the washing machine
    Washing dishes in the dishwasher
    There is nothing scarier in this house than a dirty old sponge. Bacteria and grottoes are the stuff of absolute nightmares.

Many people recommend microwaving sponges, but I don’t like the idea.

What I like to do with my sponges is to submerge them in a color wash at 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) to kill any grime. This way, I combine the two activities and save valuable time.


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