The 10 Flowers that attract pollinators

The 10 Flowers that attract pollinators

The bright colors and distinctive shapes of mushrooms repel mosquitoes. The perennial plant also has medicinal properties.

bee balm floral on bee

  1. Joe Pie Weed
    Botanical name: Eutrochium purpureum
    Flowering Period: Late Summer to Autumn
    Sun: Sunny to light brown

A native plant with clusters of large, purple flowers that are especially attractive to bees, Joe Pye Weed thrives in moist conditions.

Joe Pie vid

  1. Ser
    Botanical name: Borago officinalis
    Flowering time: Spring
    Sun: Full Sun

Beetroot produces edible flowers that bees cannot resist. This biennial plant will self-fertilize every year.


  1. Onion Blossom
    Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum
    Flowering time: spring to early summer
    Sun: Sunny to light brown

The purple, pompom-like flowers not only appeal to bees, but also add an oniony flavor to dishes. It is a perennial that comes back every year with minimal care.

onion flower onion flower
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So, here are the top 10 flowers you can plant in your garden to improve the well-being of our precious bee population.

By incorporating a variety of bee-friendly flowers, you can create a vibrant and thriving ecosystem that not only beautifies your surroundings but also provides essential food for these important pollinators.

Whether you have a small balcony or a spacious yard, making sure to keep bee-friendly plants can help keep these beneficial insects at bay.


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