Place it in the kitchen: keep flies, mosquitoes and other insects away

Place it in the kitchen: keep flies, mosquitoes and other insects away

Natural repellents instead of chemicals
While chemical agents can be effective in the short term, they often have side effects for health and the environment. Natural solutions are not only safer, but also environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Grandmothers have always relied on simple methods based on natural ingredients. These work through smells and substances that repel insects without being harmful.

A natural repellent with rice vinegar
A tried and tested recipe for keeping insects away consists of rice vinegar, which is known for its powerful repellent effect. This simple home remedy can be made in a few minutes and offers reliable protection against flies, mosquitoes and other unwanted guests.

A plastic bottle
1 tablespoon of rice vinegar (alternatively white wine vinegar)
1 measuring cup of dishwashing liquid
Cut off the top of a plastic bottle and turn it upside down to form a kind of funnel.
Put a tablespoon of rice vinegar into the bottle.
Add a measuring cup of dishwashing liquid and stir the mixture well until it is homogeneous.
The resulting smell is pleasant for humans, but almost unbearable for insects. Flies and mosquitoes will avoid the area and will not show their face again.

If rice vinegar is not available, white wine vinegar can also be used. This also has a strong repellent effect thanks to its sour aroma.


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